342 CHARLES STEWAIIT PA11NELL [1882 make it known that the No Rent manifesto was withdrawn, and we should advise the tenants to settle with their landlords. "We should also then be in a much better position than we were ever before to make our exertions effective to put a stop to the outrages which are unhappily so prevalent. 1 If the result of the arrears settlement and the further ameliorative measures suggested above were the material diminution of outrage before the end of the session, and the prospect of the return of the country, after a time, to something like a normal condition, we should hope that the Government would allow the Coercion Act to lapse, and govern the country by the same laws as in England/ Mr. Chamberlain acknowledged the receipt of this communication in the following letter: Mr. Chamberlain to Mr. Justin McCarthy ' April 30. 'Mv IVKAII MeGAimiY,—Many thanks for your note, with the extract from Mr. Parnell's letter. 1 will endeavour to make good use of it. I only wish it could be published, for the knowledge that the question still under discussion will be treated in this conciliatory spirit would have a great effect on public opinion. 4 You may rely on me at all times to do my best to help forward the solution of the Irish problem, and, in npite of past failure and past mistakes, 1 am still hopeful for the future. * Yours very truly, 6 J. ClIAMBEIlLAIN.' About the same time Parnell wrote to Captain O'Shea: